Thursday, August 14, 2008

(even) Rubbish is not the word....

so when something bad has to happen it will happen anyways.. anyhow.. anytime........ any room. I m a little shattered today.
abhi 2.0 : awhh abhi tell us something we dont know, u always write when u are shattered.. rem losing my virginity, a sneak peek, Reso--revisited and topping the chart is JTYJN....)

I had a bunch of nonsense to make headway in my blog since the last post. Some really good craps i was thrilled to dump here. I m going home tomorrow and was supposed to leave some funny posts in my blog to keep it tickle, that's because fortunately (read sadly, inconsolably) no other human knows about the existence of this blog, but what has happened just almost an hr before has led myself fall into an abyss of self-retrospection.

Let me first give you the basic idea of what you will be reading in this post. After reading this post ur doubt that this blog sucks, will convert into surety by all means. when u reach the end of the of the post you will realize that how you could have used this time for much better things like pissing for long hours ( ok i dnt exactly mean "hours" ) in your air conditioned bathroom (i heard my readers are quite elite, they dnt leave comments, avoiding paparazzi n all) , reading champak (the 2nd-3rd class fellows who really louvee my blog and find it "intellectual", gosh! where do they even learn these words from), watching tarzan "again" (for my friends from kalahari). Last and of course the least, this post is going to fetch me comments ( which are like a pie in the sky) as uncanny as "dude you are really so honest" (when they actually mean "man you are such a big windbag"). So being a human myself i have warned you more than lots against reading ahead. But i know reaching this far (and cursing the friend who recommended you to read this blog) u will read the post anyhow, so lets dont waste time pondering uselessly.

Title: Personal means Personal is Personal...... Let it be personal :

prologue : A week before from now one of my close friend in hostel had a solid booze party in his room. Last i heard was he got a little emotional (started crying and sobbing with his face sandwhiched between 2 large pillows) after having a full small bottle of RS (dont know RS ??) . Well even i was touched. Then at 3 in the morning he suddenly woke up and started writing something in his personal diary (which unto that night was his rough copy, i guess) , close to the speed of light.

First chapter : I went to his room for a movie and saw that no one was there. My abhi version 13 always happens to predominate me at such times. I wanted to see what a guy can write at 3 in the midnight when he is drunk enough to distinguish between a pen and pumpkin. I searched and luckily (not so..) found the keys of his wardrobe left carelessly inside one of the pillow's cover. I opened the wardrobe then the diary and then the page dated that night. Third in the list of lashing some of his friends brutally, callously and mercilessly was the name which made me jumped off my feet. It reads exactly like.....

abhishek binani "some people have this habit of talking rubbish". (dude atleast use abhi binani, dnt you know i hate aabhieesshekh..)

Last chapter : rubbish ?? read it again....... and again.... and once more. Check the dictionary, confirm the meaning. The line kept knocking and reverberating 1000 times in my mind. Though the handwriting was more greek than latin, sorry english but come on, i could have understand even mandarin once i know that its MY name written in some ones personal diary. Well when half of the world bellows gibberish outmatching the other half, so i wont brag to be any exception but the thing is dont know why i was and i am still laughing. I have neva been able to give a word to this feeling and still trying....

epilogue : I am writing this post.... I am feeling so dejected and dismal. I feel like go and hug my mom and grumble everything to her a little exaggeratedly.

moral of the story : when your friend is warning you not to read his/her personal diary.......... dude just listen to them, they are your "well wisher" after all....

well i would like to keep the post short giving you yet another chance to escape from this escapadious (this word doesnt exists, so dont try to mug it up) blog. I am sure you will leave loads of beautiful and encouraging comments as always.... love you all .... :)
*i am such a good bargain hunter* *grins* *winks*