Unlike all the bloggers who are studying in some or other colg (and some school kids too, who write blogs nowadays on much more sensible topics than mine....) and having their exams on door, i wont be blubbering about how much fun i wud be missing for the next 20 days cos of exams and my yearning for the strawberry cream**
** "strawberry cream" --> the most common thing one can find in any girly blog (they would not forget to mention about them even while writing on highly inflammatory and seditious topics like "America's passive attitude towards global warming.." (as if their ice-creams wud be the first to melt..) or "tibetan agitation - Is the olympic torch losing fire????" (No its not, but throw a bucket full of water on it and then it will surely extinguish, and then your ice-creams are also safe....)
Girls usually interrupt a lot, so coming back to the titled topic....i knw its probably for the 1st time in the history of mankind (or were their any undiscovered genius before me also?) that one can see the two words "yipeee" and "exams" coupled toghether (unless ofcourse its not "yipeee.........exams over...."). Well even im not a nerd by deed(by god, mark sheet check kar lo....) infact i use to lead the rallies of mass bunk and strikes in my colg.....but i have a notion (reminds me of martin luther's "i have a dream") behind such a nomenclature of the post and that u'll come to know in due course of reading the post, thoroughly (pura to padhna hi hoga..... ).
Orkut, Gtalk, movies, novels, (some classified things, not to mention for the sake of keeping this blog earn a knighthood similar to "family movie - mahesh bhat types") and same roaming around the campus with the same jobless frns of mine has left the life monotonous and humdrum; It lacks on adventure and thrill; Although last to last month was indubitably the most adventurous juncture of my life** So i was in no hurry for any further adventures or thrills; but its high time now and im getting really bored;
**(if u have read my post "Losing my virginity" early this month than you must be knowing about how i saved my life from women right activists assaulting me and accusing me of audacious scripting on women in my blogs and also how i was left alone in the theater to watch "ram gopal varma ki......eessshhh"......well to be a little honest these all are way better than wat actually happened)
Now when the most awaited end-sems are just 7 days away, my life is taking twists and twirls; I m only as much acquainted with the subjects as you are (assuming that you are no university topper and not pursuing in engineering stream atleast.....). No it still doesnt means that i have started or im about to start my preparations now (my writing on sch a senseless topic is the most lively example of this.....); I believe on the funda of "you dont became an engineer by reading books.."
(lemme tell you when exams are only as close as the vest you are wearing.....no fundas are applicable.....) and there the adventure starts for me;
24 hrs and you are bound to complete the WHOLE syllabus, that the professors try for more than 4 months to force-feed in your wat they think "pint-sized brain" ( why not somebody go and tell these profs that we are not as dumb as they think we actually are....); Start searching the hostel for your helping-friends (they are the one on whom you shout "koi kaam nahi hai saala, hamesha padhta hi rehta hai" OR "zindgi se bilkul udaas hai yaar yeh" the whole semister minus 20 days); Book your number to get tutored by him (its not on the "first come first learn" basis.....it depends on how close you are to him and how many times you have inspired him and helped him to befriend with his equally nerdy lab-partner (nerd boy + nerd girl = short circuit.....and in my programming language a "null pointer");
NO more orkut, NO more chattering in gtalk, NO more paulo coehlo or ayn rand (though i love them) and NO more whistling on the cozy-couples behind the bush in the campus garden; Well these are all that i louvve to do and cant live without, but for a change, i wish for 20 days of transcendent life ~ beyond the luxuries of the materialistic world (except one...."xerox" and for some intrepid scholars who during the rest of the sem claim to be dyslexic "mini - xeorx", failing to which = failing the exam); So heyloo all you girls out there, not gulping a strawberry cream for a couple of weeks will definitely not lead to the bankruptcy of the ice-cream parlour ( and neither is the whole world's strawberry storage would come to an end in these 20 days.......duh);
p.s another tonic would be posted after my exams are over.......well apart from all the crap, if bynechance any body is reading this post, pls pls pls wish me good luck for my exams (girls you also, i swear next time onwards no wicked comments on your strawberry - cream........)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Another name in the hall of shame......
Connect--->> kaavya Vishwanathan, pritam, Anu Malik and Mahesh Bhatt. well no points for guessing the rite answer; Rather, now we can add 1 more name to this elite inexhaustive list of proud indian plagiarists, his excellency Mr. RAKESH ROSHAN; his new film Krazzy 4 (which is a show of utter bulshit and just riding its appeal under the shadow of the item numbers performed by hrithik roshan and king khan..) has lifted these two songs from the independent music director Mr Ram Sampath. A few days back, i was going through the blog of one of my frnd, wherein i gt stuck to an interminable list of songs lifted by, once , my favorite music director pritam; Such kind of disgusting and disgraceful acts, engenders suspicion on the success of these persons in the past as well as on their future ventures and ultimately on their exceptional talent (which is now being artfully used for the lifting of the songs and to craft its naive gullible audience..);
Although it seems that luck aint working at its best on the roshans side and finally someone has been penalised under the act of plagiarism; Roshans has paid to Mr Sampath's claim of Rs 2 crore, hence buying the music rights to release the songs (or otherwise the court ordered them to delete the two songs from the movie); but im still very sure that this wont be a much intimidating issue for the fellow comrades of Mr roshan who are way ahead in this quest of lifting another masterpiece and exhibit their expertise as a music director. I wonder if someday pritam, anu malik or mahesh bhatt would be awarded with padam shree or padam bhushan for contributing to the indian diversity (they have hardly left copying from any international band, some celebrated names already in their kitty are kuwaiti band 'guitara', half- french Peterpan’s ‘Tak Bisakah’, Miami Band’s ‘Sheloha shela’,korean group JTL and u can find lot more names from this website .)
p.s. my gratitude to bhavin bhaiya from whose blog i got this link......
Although it seems that luck aint working at its best on the roshans side and finally someone has been penalised under the act of plagiarism; Roshans has paid to Mr Sampath's claim of Rs 2 crore, hence buying the music rights to release the songs (or otherwise the court ordered them to delete the two songs from the movie); but im still very sure that this wont be a much intimidating issue for the fellow comrades of Mr roshan who are way ahead in this quest of lifting another masterpiece and exhibit their expertise as a music director. I wonder if someday pritam, anu malik or mahesh bhatt would be awarded with padam shree or padam bhushan for contributing to the indian diversity (they have hardly left copying from any international band, some celebrated names already in their kitty are kuwaiti band 'guitara', half- french Peterpan’s ‘Tak Bisakah’, Miami Band’s ‘Sheloha shela’,korean group JTL and u can find lot more names from this website .)
p.s. my gratitude to bhavin bhaiya from whose blog i got this link......
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Orkutting is good for health....
Early in the morning this is what my orkut's 'today's fortune' has to say to me....
The luck that is ordained for you will be coveted by others........
they say laughing is good for one's health, well then now i hv got yet another reason for orkutting .... i was laughing irrepressibly at this hysterical note....!!
Do by anychance i need to explain why.................??????
God bless those others.....!!
p.s : i want to sue orkut for such tormenting remarks ...... (,,,,,, any lawyer here ??????? )
The luck that is ordained for you will be coveted by others........
they say laughing is good for one's health, well then now i hv got yet another reason for orkutting .... i was laughing irrepressibly at this hysterical note....!!
Do by anychance i need to explain why.................??????
God bless those others.....!!
p.s : i want to sue orkut for such tormenting remarks ...... (,,,,,, any lawyer here ??????? )
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Losing My Virginity.......

oh yes.........ohhhh yessss.... ~
NO its definitely not the first sensation of any middling mind that i would be talking abt.....neither has it got any thing to do with the best seller and autobiography of Mr Richard Branson..
A few days before the start of the 4th sem, unto now and going-on, i have been experiencing the inimical colors of this phony pretty looking lady witch, we better know as life. And it seems like this wayward lady has already started ****ing (contents suppressed) me with each of its adverse happenings feels like a new K S position....
confession of an innocent mind~ kurkure effect....
It started, 1st when i got caught in my neighbour's room where a hardcore booze party was going on. Well i was there to have some light snacks, they wre having with fosters. Dont knw what the fuck was the attendant doing at 1 am in the morning came up from nowhere and banged the door. I went to open the door (as my only my mouth was not stinking with the scent of beers ) and i told him that a b'day party is going on and that we are almost over. By that time inside the room each n every attempt of making it look clean and normal was going on. But as Murphy says..when a bad has to happen, it will happen anyway. 1 disposable glass with diminutive amount of beer was present got his eyes hold . Reputation of all of us were commendable till date so no further action or DISCO ( disciplinary committee) was held. Still I had to write the FIRST ever apology letter of my life ( for eating namkeens and kurkure in a room, where, why should i bother if others wre drinking or doping)
suspension~ 1 night @ library.....
Sem started, whoops im abt to become a half engineer. Results maintained their graph ( of negative slope). Then came this night just like any other night. After hving our dinner, me and kamal thought of a walk outside at 10 pm, 2 hrs after the dead line to enter the hostel. And to my dreadful fate, while returning back to hostel, the warden, dean sir and all the possible people whose presence could hv made the situation from worse to worst were present thr (hail murphy !!). A suspension from the hostel for 4 days was avowed, aghast! Well thats the FIRST ever suspension of my life and for kamal he was was counting on his fingers..........
p.s. we spend the 1st night of suspension in the library, which itself was so eventful that it demands a separate sacred space in this blog.... this blockbuster wud be posted soon....
valentine gift~ errotic.....Oops erratic....
16th edition
13th feb : 8:05 pm
Next day is V-day, for me like a special day this time, not that i was xpecting any "i like you" or "i love you" kind of mind-soothing, heart-tempting phrases, but still i was happy to hv a very special girl in my life, and it was enf to had her evn as frnd that day (also she was single to the best of my knowledge but that was hardly any bonus for me.... :P ) ; I called her and we chatted for some 10-12 mins (little shorter than our usual half an hr chit chats.......) and at the end of conversation she told me about her new found love....
That night was a little disheartening and i deleted almost all the materialistic memories of her ( she would feel awfully blissful and relieved if she'll ever get to know this............. ). I dnt knw y i was feeling this way but it was just a transient gale of emotions and very soon made i up my mind wid a smiling face to forget evrythng and treasure my best ever "she - frnd", cos at no cost, could i afford to loose someone, i hv spend one of the best times of my life with (dsnt matters if most of it was on phone only) , to let go out of my life for any stupid reason (not now atleast, when i gotta need her badly.......) ; .... :)
But the unexpected was yet to happen..
Murphy says....
leave to themselves things tends to go from bad to worse.....
she was changing (or im nt sure if it was nly me who was feelin dat way.....) and so was her attitude ; She didnt needed a frnd anymore to divulge her assorted feelings or to share the long craps with (thanks to the "johnny-come-lately"......); miscalls became a formality and msgs (what the heck are they ??) and that call turned out to be our last ever exchange of words.... Not only i lost an amazing friend but the most serious crush (could have used a better word here, but that would sound too slushy....) of my life; Im glad & content that im out of her life at the time when she is elated like never before....a brand new boyfrnd and admission to an elite colg; Well who cares, there is always-- Another-- Better-- ...............brooding over my mind, i ended up all. Atleast a 1000 questions still drubbing my mind, i was supposed to remain unanswered;
(now before i get even more nostalgic and engender a blueprint for another weepy ekta kapoor's soap let us discuss it no further..... never further.......)
p.s. There's never Another--Better........ its olwayss the "second-best" that follows.... and i got many other btr things to do..
beyond life ~ loss, unfathomable....
1st march : 8:00 pm
My mid sem is to start from the day after tomorrow and my cell starts singing.. Had she come to knw abt my exams from my orkut profile and has called to wish me up or may be its long time we didnt talk to each other and dat the wait is over...or ya possibly............... running on my mind i took the cell and a no point guess........ that it wasnt her........
Preeti, my cousin staying in chennai had called me. I didnt took mch long to find out that she was sounding different, very different from her usual 10 sec long Hiieeeeeeeeeee......
putting end to my utter disgust she told me that Keshav is no more....and bursted into tears. gobsmacked, I hanged up the phone, went outside the hostel and only 1 thing beating my mind "what the fuck! i hv send him a get well soon sms last night only" i spent the rest of the night thinking about him. I have never been to any party or any social gathering without him, more than just being my 1st cousin, he was my bestest bddy in cal. What am i goin to do now in cal what about the durga puja night outs...holyyyy fuck! how could this even happen to him, he is just 18, never fagged,neva doped, never drunk nt evn more than a novice like me..... 2008 is turning out to be a bad omen for everyone (with a few exceptions, founding new loves and getting admissions to their dream place) but dnt know why i still wanted to talk to her, may be cos she always managed to bring a smile on my face, either telling me the stupidiest crush stories of her life or by the poorest of jokes dnt knw how she cracks them so well, her infantile accent and smtimes just listening to her melodious angle like voice was more then enf (and for the next 1 month i wanted to....and i waited too) but no big surprise that she was soo happy and busy with her ongoing life that she hardly ever felt the absence of any friend (frnd she once said "i like you"................. duh);
Life's sch a bitch......I would write a whole new article on this keshav-mishap in my later posts....
Xshtraa toppings ........
I lost in a literary competition, sensex sinking down,nt studying well, gym is all-over, not evn making it to the podium in the quiz events (call myself a hardcore quizer), routine is comp disturbed..... are i know not the points worth mentioning here but its just like adding toppings to the sequence of unfortunate events happening with me (not that significant) but with people around me and people i love....
Its not the 2 more months this sem has to go (and probably this curse as well) thats making me overwrought. But.........i m really missing all the fun and................... friends
Abhi's fav,
girl N friend,
Kiss Of Life,
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